Diatom, 13:3-8. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
Historical constraints, species concepts and the search for a natural classification of diatoms(英文) |
Diatom, 13:9-12. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
As a practical diatomist, how dose one deal with the flood of new names ?(英文) |
Diatom, 13: 13-18. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
ing sands: the use of the lower taxonomic ranks in diatoms (英文) |
Diatom, 13: 19-24. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
Can molecular techniques help define species limits ? (英文) |
Diatom, 13: 25-30. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
Genera, species and varieties - are problems real or imagined ?(英文) |
Diatom, 13: 31-38. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
Eunotia nymanniana Grunowとその近縁種(英文) |
Diatom, 13: 39-48. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
霧島高原のGomphonema christensenii R. L. Lowe & Kociolekの形態変異 |
Diatom, 13: 49-62. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
Fragilaria capucina var. gracilis (Oestrup) Hustedt sensu Krammer & Lange-Bertalot の形態変異 |
Diatom, 13: 63-82. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
中新統波太層産新珪藻の追加記載(英文) |
Diatom, 13: 83-92. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
何殻を数えるべきか? Ⅰ.フロラ調査の場合 |
Diatom, 13: 93-104. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
排水流入の減少が河川の付着珪藻群集に及ぼす影響(英文) |
Diatom, 13: 105-112. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
Approachs for evaluation of river water pollution using epilithic diatom assemblages(英文) |
Diatom, 13: 113-128. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
静岡県柿田川湧水群の付着珪藻植生 |
Diatom, 13: 129-146. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
釧路湿原の珪藻相(英文) |
Diatom, 13: 147-160. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
黒沢湿原(徳島県)の珪藻植生 |
Diatom, 13: 161-170. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
石川県金沢市及びその近郊部湧水のDAIpo |
Diatom, 13: 171-184. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
新潟県能生町海岸における冬季間の海産付着生珪藻群集の遷移 |
Diatom, 13: 185-192. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
湖底堆積物中の珪藻遺骸群集から復元された過去6000年間の浜名湖の古環境変動(英文) |
Diatom, 13: 193-200. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
珪藻遺骸群集からみた北海道オホ-ツク海沿岸藻琴における完新世中期~後期の堆積環境(英文) |
Diatom, 13: 201-214. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
秋田県八郎潟干拓地におけるボ-リング・コア試料中の珪藻遺骸群集と古環境 |
Diatom, 13: 215-232. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
青木湖の湖底泥から得た珪藻 |
Diatom, 13: 233-246. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
ラサ川(チベット)の珪藻 |
Diatom, 13: 247-260. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
中部台湾河川における付着珪藻の生態学的研究(英文) |
Diatom, 13: 261-264. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
ハワイの珪藻(短報) |
Diatom, 13: 265-270. [Abstract] [J-STAGE]
沖縄の塩川(すがわ)の珪藻(短報) |
[英文リストへ] |