Seiichi Komura

Diatom, 23:1-18.

H-shaped marine diatoms and descriptions of three new Miocene genera (Biddulphiales).

Seiichi Komura

Diatom, 23:19-28.

Asteroactina: a new Asterolampra-like diatom genus with a solitary pericentral rimoportula.

Taisuke Ohtsuka, Yusuke Nakamura, Shin-ichi Nakano and Yo Miyake

Diatom, 23: 29-48.

Diatoms from Ishite Stream, near the Komenono Forest Research Center of Ehime University, Japan.

Akihiro Tuji

Diatom, 23:49-54.

Type examination and typification of Cymbella affinis Kutz. C. turgidula Grunow and C. uenoi Skvortsov.

Tomonori Naya, Yoshihiro Tanimura, Ryoji Nakazato and Kazuo Amano

Diatom, 23:55-70.

Modern distribution of diatoms in the surface sediments of Lake Kitaura, central Japan.

Michinobu Kuwae, Yoshikawa Shusaku and Narumi K. Tsugeki

Diatom, 23:71-82.

Long-term species and morphological changes for Stephanodiscus in Lake Biwa for the last 400 ka (in Japanese).

Shunichi Yoshikawa

Diatom, 23:83-104.

[Note] Sedimentary diatoms in Sawano-ike Pond, Kyoto City.

Hiroyuki Tanaka and Tamotsu Nagumo

Diatom, 23:105-112.

[Note] Fine structures of Stephanodiscus excentricus Hust. and S. niagarae Ehrenb. from Terrebonne diatomite, Oregon, USA.

Hiroyuki Tanaka and Tamotsu Nagumo

Diatom, 23:113-116.

[Note] Morphology of Aulacoseira distans (Ehrenb.) Simonsen var. nivalis (W.Sm.) E.Y.Haw. from Kama-numa, Fukushima Prefecture (in Japanese).

Kei Amada

Diatom, 23:117-118.

[Research note] Diatoms in a freshwater aquarium tank (in Japanese).

Hiroyuki Tanaka

Diatom, 23:119-120.

[Research note] Pliocaenicus nipponicus H.Tanaka & Nagumo from Miyata Formation, Akita Prefecture (in Japanese).